20 questions to ask at the end of the semester学期末可以问的20个问题

发布时间:2014-12-15  点击量:

By Doug Ward


Let’s peer into the future – the near future, as in next semester. Or maybe the semester after that.


You’ll be teaching the same course that is wrapping up this week, and you’ll want to make some changes to improve student engagement and learning. Maybe some assignments tanked. Maybe you need to rearrange some elements to improve the flow of the course. Maybe you need to give the course a full makeover. By the time the new semester rolls around, though, the previous one will be mostly a blur.


So why not take a few minutes now to reflect on the semester? While you’re at it, why not solicit feedback from students?


To help, here are 20 questions to ask yourself and your students. This isn’t an exhaustive list. Rather, it’s a way to think about what you’ve accomplished (or haven’t) and how you can do better.


Learning and assessment学习和评价

·    Are students learning what you want them to learn?

·    学生的学习达到了您所期望的结果了吗?

·    What proof do you have of student learning, and are you using that proof to improve your course?

·    您掌握了哪些学生学习的实据,您又是如何利用这些实据来改进您的课程?

·    How could you deepen student learning?

·    您是如何促进学生学习的?

Use of class time课堂时间的使用

·    How well did you use in-class time, and how could you improve?

·    课堂时间利用得如何,您打算如何进一步提高?

·    How engaged were your students this semester, and how could you improve engagement next time?

·    这学期学生投入程度如何,接下去您打算如何进一步提高?

·    If you are still mostly lecturing in class, why haven’t you adopted active learning?

·    如果您仍然主要使用讲授法,您没有接受主动学习的原因又是什么?

·    How could you improve out-of-class assignments to help students better prepare for class time?

·    您是怎样通过加强课外作业来帮助学生作好课前准备的?


·    What assignments or discussion topics worked best?

·    哪些作业和讨论主题最有用?

·    Which ones flopped? Why?

·    哪些是不成功的?为什么?

·    How might you improve the way you use Blackboard or other online resources?

·    您是怎样有效运用Blackboard和其它在线资源的呢?

Some questions to ask your students一些可以问学生的问题

I also like to spend time talking with students about the class. Sometimes I do that as a full class discussion. Other times, I use small groups. Either way, I ask some general questions about the semester:


·    What worked or didn’t work in helping you learn?

·    在您的学习中,哪些是有帮助的,而哪些是没有帮助的?

·    What would help next time?

·    哪些是对以后有帮助的?

·    How has your perspective changed since the beginning of the class?

·    自第一堂课开始,您的观点都有哪些变化?

·    What will you take away from the course?

·    在本门课程中,您都学到了什么?

·    How did the format of the class affect your learning and your motivation?

·    课堂组织形式是如何影响您的学习和动机的?

Sometimes students don’t have answers right away, so I encourage them to provide feedback in the self-evaluations I ask them to write, or in their course evaluations.


I promised 20 questions, so I’ll end with one more: What questions would you add to the list?


Doug Ward is an associate professor of journalism and the associate director of  the Center for Teaching Excellence. You can follow him on Twitter @kuediting.

道格·沃德是一名新闻学副教授,同时是教学卓越中心的副主任。您可以通过推特(Twitter @kuediting)来关注他。


由浙江师范大学Vick Zhou翻译,限于水平,定有诸多不当之处,欢迎批评和交流!联系方式:Explorer365@hotmail.com



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